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Showing posts from October, 2015

Help Send Us to Berlin in March 2016!

We're going to the Berlin Improv Festival in March 2016! We have been invited back to the Berlin Improv Festival ! We leave March 11th and return on March 21st ! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our students! While in Berlin, they will attend four days of improv workshops from two different instructors (not from the US or Canada), see festival performances, have a performance of our own on a festival stage and visit the historic sights of Berlin! Thank-You Card from our Berlin 2014 Audience No other high school has ever been invited to this festival - and we've been invited twice! We need your help ! It costs a lot to send nine students and the chaperons to Berlin, and for some of our students this is a barrier. Our hope is to raise enough to reduce the per student cost from $3,290 to $2,000 . Here's how the $29,668 that the trip costs  breaks down: $12,960 for return airfares for the students $4,630 for return airfares/trip cancella